Objectives and Policy Issues
District Strategic Objectives.
i. Enhance value addition in Key GrowthOpportunities in the District.
ii. Strengthen the District Private sectorcoordination and collaboration to drivegrowth and create jobs.
iii. Consolidate and increase the Stockand Quality of ProductiveInfrastructure in the District.
iv. Increase productivity and wellbeingof the Buikwe population
v. Strengthen the role of the Districtin development”
- Promote Gender mainstreaming in Development plans, programmes and projects
- Reduce Gender Based Violence and promote women Rights
- Improve the functionality and accessibility to quality non-formal literacy and numeracy services
- Zero tolerance to child labour
- Promote safety and health, harmony and good industrial relations at workplaces.
- Enable youth massively mobilize and sensitize youth communities to have them benefit from development programmes.
- Mobilize and build capacity of PWDs to participate in the Development process
- Advocacy for the placement of PWDs in employment / IGAs
- Promote partnership between Government , NGOs and Development partners
- Promote children welfare and OVCs protection